A Full Moon Message on Completeness ~ Echo of The Sassani~Shakani & The Emissaries of the Light Collective~
Channeled by Wendy Wolfe 1:11pm September 24, 2018
"We do not need to 'let go' of anything...there is no 'where' for it to go.
There is no thing to 'complete' to compete for, as you are already complete as you are...have all that you need in every moment to serve your Highest expansion and expression of creation, for you Create your Own REality.
You were created as a complete, whole and entire package. You are by definition a part of All That Is for All That Is already contains all of the you that you are and are always creating.
It is about EXPERIENCING the re~membering this and integrating this knowing to re~mind you that you are not missing any part of your puzzle, nor do you, or can you, let anything go for you can not let anything go that is already a part of you and since everything in creation is already a part of you there is nothing to let go of and no where for it to go. On the contrary, it is about re~membering that you came to for~get in order to experience the REAL~ization that nothing is outside of you...it is about BEing and Living in this KNOWING that you already contain exactly what you need to do when you need to do it with whom and where you need to do it in exactly the perfect timing FOR YOU, and is and each of these perfect timings will continue to grow and expand your own consciousness and awareness of this consciousness...and it is inthe awareness that it expands itself. It is a self~driving self~propulsion system.
What you need to let go of is the belief that you are not already complete or that you need to let go of something for it is in the integration and fully accepting yourself as a complete being of an In~Finite...never ending creation of fractals as each soul is born to discover itself as a part of you as a part of All That Is.
Letting go is truly about letting go of the need to let anything go at all.
All things can and do exist simultaneously and ubiquitously with or without your Conscious awareness.
It is only in your awareness of it, your REALization of its existence within your Consciousness that it becomes real for you...and may serve you in the Highest degree in that now.
And once again we thank you for being with us in this way in this now and allowing us to share our multi dimensional perspectives as you share yours with us and by doing so we all integrate more of all that we are for all that we are is a part of all that is and all that is as a part of all that we are. And we are always Complete"
Echo of The Shakani & the Emissaries of the Light Collective