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🪬Mother's Day Gifts for Spiritually Minded Moms & Friends💜🗝🌠 Everyone has a Journey to Journal📖

Mother's Day Gifts for Spiritually Minded Moms & Friends 💜🗝🌠

Galactic Star Codes, also referred to as "Light Language" & the Language of Light and #LightCodes were received and created by Galactic Shaman and Light Language Specialist, Wendy Wolfe. Wendy has channeled these codes for over a decade by using a technique called "Automatic Writing" and connects to Emili", the Emissaries of the Light Collective Consciousness, as well as a multitude of different multi-dimensional sources including the The Founders, 'EL' Healing Collective, Elohim, Angels, Guides, ET races, Parallel Realities, Soul Fractals, Interdimensional energies, Animal, physical and non~physical Energies & Entities Spirit Guides. Wendy's journals, weekly planners, calendars, diaries and school Composition books, contain powerfully activating Light Language, Galactic Glyphs, Light Codes, Sacred Circuitry and Sacred Symbols, to reroute and form and new brain synapses that alter and expand our consciousness, abilities to understand and know thyself on new levels, identify unpreferred behavior that is based on belief systems that no longer apply to the new, more positive version of your preferred current state of being, and how you wish to manifest change, by allowing and applying the information you receive when simply viewing and 'interacting' with them in every way you are guided, realizing your ability to create the magic and miracles, possibilities and positive changes, with your own intention and mind, in your daily life.

They also include embedded Stories of civilizations' cultures, beliefs, messages, Ascension process information, and Transportational Transmissions to allow deeper connections to them, our Earth, and Star the Sun, Elements and Elementals, Animal and Plant Consciousness, Collective Consciousnesses, your Higher Mind, Over Soul, personal intentions, an infinite number of other dimensions, Planets and Star Systems & Extraterrestrials, including Hybrid Children & races such as the Yahyel, Sassani, Andromedan, Pleadians, Vegans, Arcturians, Lyrans, ET Hybrid beings, humanoid and non~human Aliens, among many others, to bring us higher consciousness information, new information, and constant guidance.

 "Everything in creation speaks the Languages of Lights" ~ 'Emili' The Emissaries of The Light Collective Consciousness

Channeled by Wendy Wolfe

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