Languages of Lights 9 year Celebration
Free, Open Zoom Hangout & YouTube Livestream! Come by, relax and just hang out with us, Wendy and Dave, this TUESDAY, January 16, 2024,...
Languages of Lights 9 year Celebration
🪬Mother's Day Gifts for Spiritually Minded Moms & Friends💜🗝🌠 Everyone has a Journey to Journal📖
Join us LIVE for Goddess Fridays! -Honoring & Activating the Divine GODdess Energies!
Cards +Extras drawn for April Oracle & Crystal Reading and Synchronicities with Wendy & Dave!
Cards drawn for ET Open Contact and a NEW look at Passover (in Aries) with Judiaca Oracle Video
Ostara~ Dandelion Tea Ceremony, Shamanic Light Language Activations & Oracle Messages with Astara
🌠💞🧬🛸Light Language Love Letters from Wendy Wolfe & Dave Yelen
Synchronicities, Connecting with our Hybrid Children, Galactic Heritage Cards, My Symbols & Sessions
Eagle's Perspective of Freedom (channeled video transcription)