Sacred Symbols of The Light Collective Consciousnesses...
I was in Meditation several days ago regarding my first upcoming Light Language Event, Power and Purpose of Light Language, and began recieving Galactic Glyphs and Sacred Symbols in my Third I typically would reach for my sketchbook, in that moment was Guided instead to open the photos on my phone and was directed to a series of photos I had taken of the Sun, our Galactic Star, many months ago. The photos taken created layered Circles of Rainbow Light and are completely unretouched in any way..."Layers of Light" I was told again by 'Emili', aka The Emissaries of the Light Collective; I was then asked to Alchemize the photos and create Sacred Light Coded Circuit Symbols layered upon the photos with my stylus, something I typically do not do when creating these Sacred Symbols as I prefer the Energy of writing them by hand on paper. I was then given the downloaded information of the powerful Nature of the combination of the varoius Light Code Array Symbols layered upon the Light Codes in the photos is creating an Extraordinary and Extremely Powerful Channeled Light Language Activation Illuminations that will touch each Soul that experiences it, in exactly the ways and Nows necessary for their Soul growth and expansion experience, to facilitate self love, self awareness and their interconnectedness to All That Is...
Although this was created several days ago, it was just this morning as I saw the clock at 11:11am CST, that I received the "title" or intention of this particular image and was Guided to share it with All That Is in This Now moment 🙏💎🌈👁🌠💫
In Harmony,
"Mahala"... The Light Within Me Illuminates the Light Within You...The Light Within You Illuminated the Light With me...and Together we Illuminate and grow brighter, the Light Within All That Is...The Source of All Creation 💫

'Emili' ~ The Emissaries of the Light Collective Consciousnesses